Recently, liferay-plugins SDK (and also its EE version) switched to using Ivy to manage some of the dependencies. Even when there are still static dependencies taken from defined portal -- Ivy dependencies are added to the lib/ext and ROOT/WEB-INF/lib ones, see build-common.xml -- this makes adding dependencies into plugins so much easier and cleaner.
Since I'm working on some plugins, I wanted to cover the functionality properly using JUnit tests, using Powermock and Mockito. Here are necessary steps to get those libraries on test classpath in plugins SDK:
(1) open ./ivy.xml
(2) add following dependencies:
<dependency conf="runtime" name="xml-apis" org="xml-apis" rev="1.4.01" />
<dependency conf="test" name="junit" org="junit" rev="4.11" />
<dependency conf="test" name="mockito-all" org="org.mockito" rev="1.9.5" />
<dependency conf="test" name="powermock-api-mockito" org="org.powermock" rev="1.5" />
<dependency conf="test" name="powermock-api-support" org="org.powermock" rev="1.5" />
<dependency conf="test" name="powermock-core" org="org.powermock" rev="1.5" />
<dependency conf="test" name="powermock-reflect" org="org.powermock" rev="1.5" />
<dependency conf="test" name="powermock-module-junit4" org="org.powermock" rev="1.5" />
<dependency conf="test" name="powermock-module-junit4-common" org="org.powermock" rev="1.5" />
<dependency conf="test" name="javassist" org="javassist" rev="3.12.1.GA"/>
<!-- CUSTOM END -->
I'm sure there may be more combinations of dependencies, this is the first that fully worked for my basic tests using classes and calls like @PrepareForTest, @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class), PowerMockito.mock(...) and Mockito.*.
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